As everyone who was in class saw, I am a huge fan of the technique of self-talk.  I think it helps you to step outside of the situation you are in and look at it objectively.  It gives you a chance to help yourself out just as if you had a personal coach there to help you.

This self-talk can also be very important when it comes to sales.  Salespeople will often have to deal with the issue of rejection and need to come up on the other side and continue to sell again.  It is important not to let yourself be caught up in the rejection, and look forward to when you complete the sale.

We talked about as well the importance of asking and answering good leading questions for yourself.  If you help yourself to see what is important in the sale and what you can do to succeed, it will be easier for you to be more successful.

Self-talk is something that I still plan on using as much as I am able when I go out and sell on a regular basis.  Even if it’s in a mirror the morning before a big sale, I want to use myself to help push me to succeed in my sales.

3 thoughts on “Self Talk”
  1. Self-talk is a sales and personal technique that I way under-utilize. I think it helps to identify negative mental patterns and then break those cycles by inserting, new, more positive thoughts that will allow one to face the day (or sale) with an optimistic attitude.

  2. I agree that self talk can be very useful. It helps to separate yourself from the situation and give yourself an objective view of what is going on around you.

  3. I agree that self talk is important when it comes to rejection. Being able to deal with the rejection and gearing yourself up for the next sales meeting is crucial in being successful and continuing your career in sales.

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