Selflessness is defined as “concern more with the needs and wishes of others than with one’s own,” by the Google dictionary. This is a very important trait to have when dealing with any customer. Always placing yourself in your customers shoes is key to having a successful business. Knowing how your customers feel allows you to know how to act in response to their feelings and actions.

Many people do have the capability to place themselves in someone else’s shoes, but not everyone knows how to make the right decision. Some businesses even base their selling techniques as “the customer always comes first.” It is important to now only listen and feel how your customer is feeling, but also act in a way that your customer will appreciate your action.

When Blaine Hurst, CEO of Panera Bread, came to speak at Grove City College last month, one of his recent major decisions that he had to make as CEO ended up costing the business millions of dollars, but he still believe it was the right decision. The decision he made revolved around a food item which ended up costing tons of money all in order to make the customers satisfied. He believed that it was worth the loss to continue to keep his customers happy with the service and products being sold at each and every Panera.

This is just one example of a business changing the way they operate in order to make the customer content. No matter the cost, it is always important to act with selflessness in mind; always thinking about how the customer feels and how you want them to feel in the future.

One thought on “Selflessness in sales”
  1. This is so true. I think people often think of sales people as selfish and just trying to make money and do what is best for themselves. This, however does not need to be the case. If salespeople are authentic and honest, it can be a mutually beneficial relationship between the salesmen and the prospect.

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