No the title of this post does not mean to only go surface level with potential buyers and do the bare minimum to make the sale. The opposite is obviously true in the sense that we will be FAR more successful if we fully engage and build a connection and relationship with our prospects.

What I want to touch on and reiterate is the idea of buoyancy as we’ve talked about in class and how we should never allow ourselves to sink and give up. We should be prepared whenever we role into sales situations by psyching ourselves up, thinking critically throughout the whole sales process while having a strong positivity ratio, and then always being open to evaluating and explaining to ourselves on what we can do better. Staying afloat is all about giving yourself the best chance at every part of the process. If we psych ourselves up at the beginning and prep for what we are able to do, we will have the confidence and give ourselves the best opportunity to make the sale. Having a positive attitude couples with this in that we give ourselves a better opportunity as success if we think about what is and what could go right while not being afraid to recognize the negativity of situations and learn something from them. Finally after a selling process, sale or no sale, we can reflect and determine what went right, what when wrong, and what could be tweaked to be more effective and self analyze that for ourselves so that we can do better next time.

Finally we can work to stay buoyant through controlling the sales process in a mutually productive way. The questions we ask can help us get what we are looking for and better help the customer. Sometimes the best question/ statement can be, “It sounds like it might be a “no” from you right now.” Using this negative/flipping technique can allow you to put the pressure back on the prospect but also just allow them to think more critically about the whole process and make a more educated and well-thought out decision.

Buoyancy is all about being able to bounce back after a tough loss of a sale, stay positive throughout a sales process, but also learning the methods that will keep you afloat mid conversation and offer you the best chance of eventually taking home the sale.

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