One of the Sandler rules that is highly important is this: sell today; educate tomorrow.

This rule really brings into play the value of answering customers needs in the moment. As a salesman, you need to realize that your goal when selling is to increase trust with your customer, and provide solutions to their problems in the most efficient way possible. This involves focusing more on the why than the how. It involves assuring your clients that you are the right person to solve their problem. Once they understand that you are the right person to solve their problem you have closed the sale. Then the floor is open to talk about how you solve their problem. This is where the “sell today, educate tomorrow” really comes into play. Once you start working with clients, you can start educating them on your process, systems, and people. You can let them make decisions for themselves, you can let them see how you do things how you operate, so that they might be able to do it for themselves. This process of focusing on the why, not the how helps avoid overwhelming the client with information that they may not need to make a purchasing decision. Keeping an open mind with customers during a sales call or sales conversation requires listening carefully to understand where the client is currently and then demonstrating how your product or service offers your timely solution to that. This helps you begin a long term relationship with clients, prioritizing the person and their problem over your interests and your information. It emphasizes timely solutions over premature details.

2 thoughts on “Sell today, Educate tommorrow.”
  1. I loved the post Caleb. The Sandler Sales method “Sell today; educate tomorrow” is the essence of effective salesmanship. It addresses immediate pain points, and forges trust. Prioritizing the why over the how shows understanding and gives a deeper understanding for deeper discussion post-sale. By aligning with prospects immediate needs, this approach fosters long lasting relationships.

  2. I really like this post, I believe you understadn this rule very well. It is important to understand the pain before giving information about the product or service. Once you understand their pain you can better inform them how it will ease their pain. Great post!

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