One of the most amazing things about life are the choices that we get to make. It is an amazing thing to have the ability to choose things, whether that is the college you attend, the people you spend time with, or small things like what you’re having for lunch that day. There are a lot of places in the world where choices in life are either limited or non-existent. It is such a blessing to live in America and be pursuing education at a collegiate level, primarily what this gives us is choices. I challenge you to choose to do what you love, and in sales to sell what you are passionate about.

I think that finding and pursuing what you love can be a difficult thing, especially in the context of business we have a natural tendency to err on the side of making money rather than genuinely supporting and enjoying the brand or company we work for. It can be a hard line to draw between being practical and simply taking the easiest route.

With all the choices that are afforded to us it can be hard to be decisive, it’s even harder to check our hearts along the way as we try to find personal fulfillment but also honor God with our lives. It’s definitely not easy to sort through all the factors that go into choosing a job, setting high standards may force us to wait or to take a lesser paying job that we believe in more. It is worth the wait, believe me.

You will sell something that you love and support much more easily than something that you don’t care about, even if it makes you more money on the sale. This is a radical principle to the world at times because of how much our culture values money and success. Ultimately nothing of this world will last anyway so pursue the Lord’s call in your life at all costs. Accept a job selling something that honors the Lord before you would accept a job selling something that doesn’t make a positive impact on the world.

4 thoughts on “Sell What You Love”
  1. this is true even when pink talks about positivity he brings up just how important is to believe in your product, otherwise you are just selling a lie.

  2. Selling what you love is absolutely key to even remotely having any motivation towards making a sale. You may always have that small motivation to do your job well just to get paid, but at the end of the day, that motivation will run out at some point and prevent you from staying positive.

  3. I think this is a great point. Some of the values we learned about here honesty and authenticity, and how valuable they are in a sales environment. I think that if you are selling something you love, you are far more likely to sell with honesty and authenticity, not to mention passion and enthusiasm.

  4. This is an excellent post with a lot of good information. Selling what you love is definitely important, much more than making money. It can be hard to stay focused or do our best if we do not want to be there in the first place. We also need to work for the Lord and not man. This means doing our best and giving God the glory, not working for what man thinks is important like glory or money.

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