There are some products and services that market themselves in the world.  the primary example of this is Apple- selling technological devices that are outrageously expensive but yet seem to jump off the shelf every time there is a new release.  You might think that the sales in an apple store is pretty straightforward and it is but that doesn’t mean that the apple-care staff doesn’t practice valuable selling techniques on a daily basis.

Because of the nature of their job, the staff who are on the floor at ll times need to be completely in attunement with the customers that filter in and out of the store.  They need to have exceptional product knowledge and be able to communicate this knowledge effectively and clearly.  They also need to know when to upsell and downsell according to the customers wants and needs.   The products at apple are well marketed, well designed and solve a plethora of user pains and problems.  While the iphone can and will usually sell itself, the sales people in the apple care stores are always in a constant state of practicing Daniel Pink’s ABCs- Attunement, Buoyancy and Clarity.

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