As we discussed non-sales selling I began to contemplate where I have seen selling in peculiar contexts. The biggest example that came to mind is bid packages compiled by my family’s business.

Aftermath Disaster recovery competes with other cleanup companies to help communities rebuild after natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, and ice storms.  When a county, state or agency puts a project out for bid, companies from across the country put together “Bid packages” which are essentially a sales pitch for why that company should be awarded the project.  Bid packages are a cross between a resume and an offering price.  Each company lays out why they are the best suited for the project and at what price they can complete the project.

Bid packages must be individually tailored to each specific project and must have a clear specialization or advantage.  Companies must also balance the desire to bid high and the need to bid low and undercut competition.  The companies are selling their services to state and county agencies through their reputations, resumes, and pricing.

One thought on “Selling Disasters”
  1. This is very interesting since I had never heard of bid packages before. I bet winning these packages could help a company’s name really get seen to others as not only a great way of advertising their product, but also showing that they care about the community and people which is what a lot of people love to see these days.

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