How do you get people to do what you want? Friends are people that should have the same interests as you, but what happens when you don’t want to do the same things?

After spending time with a lot of different people this semester I realized that you can use the selling techniques on your friends. One example of when I did this was a night with Ashley. She really wanted to stay in, but I really wanted to go out to the bar. I first started with asking her a question. I then used the “shut up tactic.” She started to sway just a little. I was thinking about “the best sales pitch is the one the prospect never see.” I didn’t want her to think I was selling her on going, I wanted her to want to go.

In the end I convinced Ashley to go to the bar that night. I have since used those same tactics to convince her to go on several other occasions.

3 thoughts on “Selling Friends”
  1. Haha I absolutely love this post and it is so true that you can use the sales tactics from class to manipulate your friends. I’ve also found that answering every question that they ask with another question usually ends up making them convince themselves to go to the bar. I love the non-sales selling aspect of this post, it really hits home!

  2. Listening to your friends is a very important part of any relationship. If you are allowing her to feel heard and understood, she will probably be more likely to be open to seeing things from your perspective.

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