My experience in selling is within the world of physical labor.  I have sold my services in construction, demolition, landscaping, and hunting.  This is a very difficult thing to sell in my opinion because there is so much competition.  It is hard to stand out in a crowded market because there is not much you can do to separate yourself from the crowd.  In my case, me and my friend took a different approach to this.

We sold our current situation along with our services.  We both are in college, and were looking for money.  We are both athletes as well so we are in good shape for this line of work.  We sold the idea that we will work harder than anybody else because we need the money to pay for school, and we are in better shape than most professional contractors.  I found this to be a very unique strategy, and we saw a lot of success with it.  A lot of different people, and companies hired us for construction purposes.  I believe they chose us because of how fast we got our work done, as well as the quality of work.  We also had very competitive prices because we under charged the professional contracting companies.  This was a very good strategy for us and I believe that we truly did have the buyers best interest in mind.

2 thoughts on “Selling physical labor”
  1. I love the way you decided to stick out from your competition to try to gain customer’s business. Exemplifying your strengths among your competition is a sure way to outbid your competitors and you did a great a job of this! It is also nice that you were able to provide the work to back up what you were saying. Following through with promises is a huge aspect of sales and it seems like your customers were extremely thankful and satisfied.

  2. As someone who worked on roofs this summer, I have a very similar experience to you. We had an upper hand on a lot of workers since we did not ask for as much money and are you and athletic as well as being reliable so that we could be trusted by our boss to get the job done everytime.

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