I was reading an article from Forbes.com titled “10 Essential Selling Principles Most Salespeople Get Wrong” and I thought it correlated well with what we have been studying in class so I thought I would share those principles here!

  1. They assume that the problem the prospect communicates is the real problem.
  2. They think their sales presentation is what will seal the deal.
  3. They talk too much.
  4. They believe they can sell anybody anything.
  5. They end up over-educating the seller rather than selling.
  6. They forget that salespeople are decision-makers too.
  7. They try to read the prospects’ mind.
  8. They end up working as an “unpaid sales consultant” to seal the deal.
  9. They become their own worst enemy.
  10. They hope that their prospect won’t discover a problem with the product.

What I really enjoyed about this article is that all of the above principles come from David Mattson’s book, The Sandler Rules. Each Principle is correlated to a rule and they all truly are tactics or mistakes that people frequently make in their hurry to close a deal. By taking the time to get to know your prospect, listening to their needs, and sharing the strengths and talents your company has to fill those needs, you end up being an effective salesperson!

2 thoughts on “Selling Principles Salespeople Often Get Wrong”
  1. #5 is too true sometimes. My family recently purchases a hot tub, and the salesman would not stop talking. We learned WAY too much about completely irrelevant things. He hardly gave my parents a chance to voice exactly what they were looking for. It was irritating, but fortunately for me, we still bought a hot tub that day!

  2. #9 talking about the fact that they become their own worst enemy is really interesting. These selling techniques that we are learning in class actually make sense when you really sit down and try to figure out a time when it happened to you. I am not a huge fan of sales people in retail stores. Sometimes they can be really helpful, but other times I just like to shop alone…

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