We had the privilege of having an alumni, whose been a successful Entrepreneur, come in and speak. Wendy Mascio is an intelligent woman, driven by her core beliefs that doing the right thing is important and family comes first, she decided to pursue a career as an entrepreneur, but not before she wanted to be a doctor. The most valuable lesson I learned from Wendy that she highlighted was that she wanted to control her income and ultimately her life — based upon her work ethic, a non-novel idea but one that many overlook and is honestly one of the hidden gems of working in sales. “Output = Inflow “ an equation that seems so basic but not every career or profession you go into offers such an opportunity. Wendy discussed as a technician in a hospital the length of time you worked there is what mattered and dictated your pay and the same can be said for many public school districts, but the length of time at a job and quality of work/output do not always have a correlation that is significant. As Wendy found out in sales, you can, if you are tenacious and willing to take calculated risk, dictate your pay and have more control over your life, she found this to be true also when running her own businesses and now as a CEO of a huge company. Many of us inspire to spend time with our families and not have a boss lurking over dictating our schedules and with sales that is possible. It all starts with that basic principle “the harder you work the more money you can make” so next time you see a job posting in “sales” don’t hesitate at the opportunity to eventually sell your way to CEO.


3 thoughts on “Selling you way to CEO”
  1. Wendy was an incredible speaker and she definitely spoke from a place of experience. Output = inflow is something that we may not think about, but could also make or break our career (sales or not) depending on the circumstance. Really loved hearing her speak and would love to hear her again. Great post!

  2. Your title for this blog post really grabbed my attention! I appreciated how you restated her key point that output = inflow. It’s so true and such a good reminder for every day life.

  3. This is a huge reason of why I am figuring out if the sales industry is something I truly want to go into this summer. I have been fearful of what might happen, but I know that there are so many benefits to learning and understanding sales. This was a great reminder for me going into my internship this summer!

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