We all know that people are selling things in non-sales situations.  The classic example that we have talked about is selling yourself as as possible employee or intern for a business.  But at the same time a business has to sell themselves to you.  So when it comes time that we are the ones with a steady job trying to hire people for our own businesses, we still have to be selling ourselves.  Even with a successful organization, you have to sell yourself.  Just look at the National Football League.

The NFL began its free agency last week, where all players who weren’t under contract could talk with teams to try to find a contract.  Teams have to sell themselves to the high valued players so the players will choose to come to play for their team. Teams have to explain why they have the best coaches or facilities or just places to live.

This also happens in the business world where you have to see your company to prospective workers, so they will choose to work with you rather than your competitor or another company.  You only want the best to work for your business so you are going to have to work to convince them to come to you.

As a business owner or human resources worker, you have to be a great salesperson to get the possible employees to work for you.  The interaction will be a double selling scenario where they are trying to selling themselves to you so you will offer them a job and you will be selling yourself to them so they will except your offer.

One thought on “Selling Yourself”
  1. This is a great point! This happens all the time in interviews. It’s kind of a weird feeling trying to sell yourself to a potential employer, but also feeling that in a way they’re trying to sell themselves and their company to you as well.

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