As I write the final blog of my college career, I would like to review my three favorite concepts/rules from this semester.

First, core concept number 4. “A decision not to make a decision is a decision.” This is a concept that I would like to apply in my career moving forward. You need to give people permission to say no. The objective is to get to the truth and hear what you need to hear maybe not what you want to hear. Let the buyer know that’s it’s alright if they say no and that you want the truth and to avoid any back and forth over it.

Second, rule number 13. “No mind reading.” I feel this can be used in all facets of life. In sales, we tend to assume the prospects problems without evidence of their even being a problem. It is important not to try to read between the lines and ask for clarification on what the prospect may say to you. I feel avoiding mind reading is important in relationships with friends or even significant others. I think talking through the issue and not assuming what the issue is can avoid arguments and strengthen relationships.

Lastly, core concept number 5. “Never answer and unasked question.” You don’t want to give away too much information and you should be listening rather than speaking most of the time. You must present a solution directly related to the problem they are experiencing not the problem that you want them to be experiencing. Answering unasked questions may confuse the prospect and delay the decision. This shows you aren’t thinking about the prospects needs.

And now I am finally done with blogs post. It was a great semester and I hope some of you enjoyed my posts. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “Semester in Review”
  1. These concepts are definitely ones that I also enjoyed learning about throughout the semester. I especially enjoyed never answer an unasked question, as I feel like often times we do this regularly in conversations we have daily. Great post!

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