Looking back at this class during this past semester, I really enjoyed this class! I learned a lot throughout the semester and learned the importance of asking good questions and a lot of tactics and concepts to selling which will come in handy later on in life if I decide to pursue a career in sales. Even if I decide I don’t want to pursue a career in sales, I will be able to use these tactics and concepts in everyday life. I will be honest, I was a little confused in class when we learned the 70/30 rule and were taught to ask the prospect questions and let them do all the talking because I took a sales class last semester with Dr. Kocur and we learned that we should talk to prospects and give them the Features, Advantages, and Benefits and then answer any questions they may have after we presented to them. So being taught two different things was a little confusing for me. I still do not know which is the right way to go about things, but I do know how to go about each of the two different options. Overall, I really enjoyed this class and loved learning from Professor Sweet. I look forward to using what I learned and hopefully see good results from it!

5 thoughts on “Semester In Review”
  1. I totally agree, there are a ton of takeaways. If we did a sales conversation at the beginning of the year and one at the end they would look like two completely different talks.

  2. Ya the 70/30 rule was super interesting. I never would’ve thought about that specifically on my own. I know that listening is very important but I never realized HOW important is was until Professor sweet taught us. It is definitely so interesting to learn all of the stuff from this semester and I’m excited to see how I end up using this is the future!

    Good luck with finals and have a great last couple weeks!

  3. I shared this same misconception about the salesperson being the one who is supposed to talk more. Listening is even more important than talking.

  4. I agree, some of these topics we discussed in class are great to use not only in sales, but in everyday life. This was a very interesting and useful class to take.

  5. The 70/30 rule was really helpful and interesting tool for me. I agree, I have also learned a lot over the semester, and I am glad I took this class.

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