Selling people on a used pair of shoes is always an interesting experience. I have had to deal with many unethical people and very few good salesman. Throughout my time in the reselling world I have been able to perfect the selling/negotiation process of used shoes. I learned a lot of valuable lessons on both sides of the selling process. First, build a relationship, people often identify with the shoes they wear and have emotional connections to them so it is a great way to build a relationship on similarities. Second, be upfront about any defects on the product early, this will be advantageous for later on in the process. Third and final, don’t be the first person to throw out a number with a dollar sign attached to it. The 70/30 rule is extremely important in these types of sales because it can often be a little awkward and we want to prospect to talk and show their hand before we do.

2 thoughts on “Shoes”
  1. Ya it is definitely important to be upfront with the client about any defects and stuff. Buying a product and finding out that you duped them into buying a something they didn’t realize is the last thing that you should ever want to do as a salesperson.

    Have a great next couple weeks, and good luck in finals!

  2. Being up-front and honest is always important, in every aspect of life. It is really frustrating to get products that are not what you expected, and will generally drive you away from the buyer that you originally got them from. Being honest is just a much better way to make sales, and keep customers.

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