I decided to discuss another local shop for this blog post.  Smail’s Custom Drum Shop is located in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, and is owned by Mike Smail.  Over the last fourteen years, Mike has become a family friend to us.  My sister took guitar lessons at Mike’s shop for several years.  Mike is also the person who runs the shop and is the only person who works in the shop, except in unusual circumstances.  Most times when Mike needs to be away, he will simply close the shop, however, on occasion, my sister or Mike’s brother, has opened the shop and staffed it for a few hours.

The shop is not only a drum shop, but also contains keyboards, guitars, ukuleles, speakers, amplifiers, and music books for sale and the shop also offers lessons to students.  Really, anything related to music if offered in the shop.  Mike sells both new and used instruments and musical equipment.  Mike also offers instrument rentals for local elementary and high school students.  All of these things offer Mike multiple income streams, which I believe is essential for a small business to succeed.

Over the years, I had the privilege to see Mike selling many things in the shop, talking to customers in person and on the phone and meeting with reps from different companies.  He has been very candid with my family regarding the business over the years, so I had an opportunity to learn and observe.  Mike Smail is honest to a fault and will tell the customer the truth even though it might hurt him and his income.  For example, I have seen him tell parents that their child is just too young to take lessons, even though the parent is willing to pay for the lessons.  Mike’s sales approach is to read the customer, to never over sell, and to be super honest.  He has a line that he says, “pay me now or pay me later”, that he uses on occasion.  What he means by this is that a customer can pay less for a cheaper instrument now, but if the student sticks with the lessons and the instrument, the customer will end up purchasing a more expensive, higher quality item.  By saying this to the customer, I believe that Mike makes the customer feel at ease.  The customer feels that Mike isn’t pressuring them, and that he also has the customer’s best interest in mind.  He has been able to build trust over the years and has made life long relationships.

Mike also has relationships with local school districts to rent band equipment.  He also puts on an annual recital at a local school for his students, which gives the students opportunity to perform, but also gives the shop adverting in the community at the same time.  I believe Mike has been able to keep his shop going by being honest with his customers and networking with other organizations in the community.  However, I believe he could help his income stream and bottom like, but implementing some different sales strategies, such as suggestive selling and upselling to the customers and taking on young students if the parents are willing to pay for the lessons.  He could still be honest, but maybe just not honest to a fault.

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