What is social selling? Social selling is the idea of using wide pools of previously untapped potential customers and finding paths to sell to them. One of the most obvious forms of social selling is to use social media as means of sales. Social media and really all online connectivity is a superb way of reaching a broader audience and boosting your sales numbers to places never reached. Although primarily connected with e-commerce, it really is in the best interest of virtually any company to encourage their salespeople to begin utilizing the power of social media, LinkedIn, and any other platform to reach a broader audience and consumer bases. Without a doubt, as social media and technology becomes more and more a part of everyday life, the need for social selling will doubtlessly increase and more and more salespeople will move away from the classic forms of calling and in person door-to-door and find themselves in the virtual space.

Social Selling: A Step-by-Step Guide to Social Media Success

3 thoughts on ““Social Selling””
  1. Super interesting! I agree that social selling is becoming very common. I definitely notice that Instagram, in particular, is heavily pushing social selling. Great post, thanks for sharing!

  2. Social selling is an important part of the future of sales! The use of social media has made it way easier for a salesperson to reach a wider audience!

  3. Social selling is a wonderful tool as it reaches people where they are at. People are constantly on social media so quick pitching infront of them is a wonderful idea.

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