A recent article from INC.com covered a similar topic learned in class.  This was the topic of improvising and looking at something from a new perspective.  One aspect that should be changed frequently is the way we approach new customers.  Often times we get into a habit of saying the same things every time we talk to a customer.  We ask the same questions, make similar comments, and talk about the same old things.  This is what the article was taking a look at.  It provided three interesting ways to spark interest in a conversation that will help us get out of our old routines and try a new routine.

1). When you first hear the customers name, repeat it back to them as a question – This can be useful in several ways.  Repeating the customers name will help you to remember it.  It will also allow you to make sure you are talking to the correct person as it gives you a second to think.  Lastly, everyone loves hearing their name.  Repeating the customers name back to them gives the customer a sense of pride and importance.

2). Comment about the customers state – This may seem a bit obvious but it can help to be a conversation starter.  For sales positions where you are making phone calls all around the country, this can help to build a relationship.  It shows the customer that you see them as more than a customer.  You took the time to pay attention to where the customer lives and you genuinely care about them.  You are not just a sales robot.

3). Ask a direct question – This may seem counter intuitive compared to the other ones, but it can also be helpful.  As time is precious, both for you and your customer, cut to the chase early.  Ask a question that lets the customer know that you are serious and don’t want to waste their time.  This will also allow you to direct the conversation and hence be more productive.

One thought on “Sparking Conversation on a Sales Call”
  1. I really love your first point about repeating people’s names back to them. I meet a lot of new people on a daily basis and often feel like I don’t even hear them when they tell me their name. Taking them time to repeat it back to them is an easy way to make sure that it sticks in my brain, and can really help me to get started in building that relationship with them.

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