Stemming off of my last post, I wanted to talk about how not to get screwed over when taking on the ever so tedious social interaction known as selling (I can also be sarcastic, who knew?).

Again, the majority of salespeople out there are most certainly NOT the bad guy. However, there’s always those select few that like to prey on the unprotected consumer. They’re like the 5th grade bully everyone wanted to avoid at all costs. But I’m not here to tell you how to run from a bully, I want to throw out some tips that can help you be prepared to face him.

Go ahead, watch this!

  1. First off, don’t be a Patrick Star.

When attempting to make a purchase decision, whether it be a car or a laptop, the buyer must come prepared. Do the research and find out which product fits your needs and budget. Websites can be your best friend when it comes to finding reviews and even comparable alternatives to the product you had in mind

2. Feel in control

Much of the selling process is designed to get customers to spit out an offer to buy. Losing control of the negotiation or letting someone direct the sale in the wrong direction can mean bad news for the buyer. To fix this problem, direct the process and insist on doing things your way. Even when purchasing a car, inform the salesperson that you will go for a test drive after the numbers are served. Being in control will lead to a more straight-forward and pleasurable buying experience.

These tips should help you not get taken to the cleaners when making a purchase decision.

And remember, avoid being a Patrick Star!

Happy Selling!

~Zach B.







By zberry7

2 thoughts on “Starfish Sales”
  1. I really enjoyed reading your post and watching the short clip! I think your two main points of advice are very wise and will help prepare one for the best kind of sales experience especially coming from the buyer’s perspective. It is very important to do your own research, especially for costly items and things that you want reliability from such as cars, stoves, fridges, washers and dryers. I also think feeling in control is important too, not that the consumer needs to come in with a bossy or defensive attitude but I think we should go in with assertiveness of our needs and make sure honesty is maintained throughout the sale.

  2. Great job making me click on your article. I think in today’s market with the internet we can be much more educated shoppers. It is now that older less tech savvy people are the one’s who are getting “screwed”.

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