When selling, we all think we have to say things perfectly and sell ourselves just right. When we do this, we have a tendency to stop “selling” and just start “telling.” When this happens the prospect will be turned off to the product or not be able to ask any questions about the product. As the seller, we must be able to listen. Listen to the prospects concerns, listen to the prospects questions, and listen to the prospects needs. A good sales experience as Dr. Sweet demonstrated in class is when the prospect is talking and asking question and is involved in the sale, not when the salesman is talking the whole time. Sandler’s rule 14 is “a prospect who is listening is not prospect at all.” Sandler understands that people want to be heard and when buying, a customer wants to be sure they are getting a good deal and not being ripped off. The only way a salesman can convince the customer of this is if they can sit back and listen to the customers concerns and not talk so much.


4 thoughts on “Stop Talking”
  1. This is a great point! It’s so easy to just start talking about all the features of what you’re selling, especially when you really believe in it. It takes a lot of intentionality to do this, but it’s very worth it!

  2. I completely agree and I do this a lot of the time. Sometimes I just hate when there is silence and I have to fill it with talking and then I forget and don’t give the customer the chance to talk. I also agree with what Sandler says about people wanting to be heard and when buying. A customer wants to be sure they are getting a good deal and not being ripped off.

  3. This point is easier said then done. Some salespeople love to show the client how much information they know, this is normally true for bad sales people. The good salespeople have master the concept of listening, and have learned that listening is the key to success.

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