Have you ever walked by a park and saw a young boy playing with his toys? To us it might just seem like the boy is just passing time or just trying to play; but in reality the boy probably has a wild imagination and has created an entire story and plot that he is acting out with his toys. Being able to create a story is a valuable trait that some entrepreneurs have. Storytelling can be used to create the background behind an object that would later help that object to be sold. 

Many and many customers base what they are trying to buy on their emotions. Using a story to help create the product or whatever you are trying to sell can help sway the customers emotions when making a sale. The story will lead the customer to be curious and want to know more about the product or service. This curiosity will leave a gap in the customer’s mind that can only be filled by buying what the seller has. The narrative created by the seller can resonate with the customer which would lead them to buy more and more products.

A well crafted story can help guide the customer through points that may or may not relate to the customer and keep them interested in the product. The story can be persuasive that would exemplify the benefits of the product. These stories will help build relationships and trust between the seller and customer. Meaning that the customer will come back and buy more products. Memorable stories are best for the customer. These stories will always be on the mind of the customers and then the customers are sharing the story with other customers, which leads to more sales. By using a full spectrum of storytelling tools, a salesperson can leave a lasting impact on potential prospects.

2 thoughts on “Storytelling to Make the Sale”
  1. This is so true! connecting the buying experience to a story is such an effective way to reel in the buyer! love your thoughts on this topic.

  2. I like the analogy you used of the child using their imagination to create a story they are invested in. We learned about how a story can move people in our E-Commerce class where we learned the importance of being able to tell the story behind Radiate Truth. Our story moved people to resonate and care about our business as well as want to support our mission in some way.

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