Something that has stuck with me recently based off of our class discussion is the importance of getting on the same level as the customer.  This is skill that applies not only to sales but also to life in general as it pertains to relationships.  Often times we subconsciously do this in everyday life.  The way we talk to our parents and grandparents is different than how we talk to talk to our friends.  If a person has a lot of energy in a conversation, we tend to try to match that energy.  We do this in the same way if somebody is more chill or laid back.  People tend to connect with those who are similar to them.  So in sales, we are more inclined to make the sale if the customer feels that sense of connection and that they are on the same wavelength with the seller.

3 thoughts on “Strider Frank-Post 4”
  1. Strider, this is a really well done post that provides an interesting new perspective. I agree with you, I definitely talk differently to my parents and grandparents than I do with my friends. Making sure that you are on the same level/page as a potential customer is so important when you are in a sales conversation. This post really highlights the ways that you can connect with a customer.

    1. Great post Frank! Being able to connect with the potential customer/client is pivotal to the success of any sales conversation. Getting to know the customer through a real conversation is what will lead to future possibilities.

  2. Getting on the same level is important not just physically and I think you articulated that well. Learning to understand where people are coming from helps the salesperson ask better questions and win their business.

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