Sales is all about thinking on your feet.  Going into a meeting with a client, you can never absolutely know how the conversation will go.  It is so important to be able to adapt based on the points that the client brings up.  To be an effective salesman you should only talk about what the client cares about, and not the selling points that you believe are important.  All that matters is what is on the mind of the customer.  Another great technique that gets the client to speak how they feel is to ask them how much something matters on a scale of 1-10.  Whatever number they give, ask them why they didn’t choose a lower number.  This lead them to bring out positive elements that they care about, rather than negative ones.  It’s always the little things that matter the most in sales.

One thought on “Strider Frank-Post 6”
  1. Great post Frank! Adapting to the situation is pivotal in all careers, regardless of sales. Paying attention to the little details of the conversation (tone of voice, way they are sitting, short or long responses) can become a highly valuable attribute.

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