I recently had an interview for a sales position where I was asked a question about what my strategy would look like when facing objections.  This job primarily consists of cold calls that are difficult to close due to the fact that many of the clients are fed up with sleezy salesmen calling them constantly and rattling off a pitch.  These clients tend to have automatic objections that they give in order to end the call as soon as possible.  So when I was asked this question, I immediately applied a key principle that I learned from this class.  I said that I would start the job by identifying the most popular objections that I hear, and then develop a series of questions that I would ask in order to get the client to open up.  The concept of asking a series of questions is an integral aspect of success in the sales process, because it forces the client to identify their concerns, and from there the seller can tailor the pitch to meet their needs.

2 thoughts on “Strider Frank-Post 9”
  1. I think this is a great approach to cold calling. Not being afraid of failure and almost pursuing failure like you are actually will lead to a lot more success than failure. Being able to hear no and continue to become a better salesperson is essential to staying afloat in the job

  2. This is a great post and a great question to ask in an interview. Objection is something that is very hard and when it happens frequently we could get frustrated and give up, but in sales, you need to learn from your mistakes and move on.

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