I recently accepted a summer sales internship with a company that specializes in big data surrounding job and education demographics in certain areas of the country. During my final interview I was informed about the overall sales structure of the company. The basic structure of the sales department of this company consisted of three major parts. The first level is a group of people who try and find new leads and potential customers and find out if they are a good fit for the company. At this level, the main job of the representative is to find potential customer that have a need for the product and are willing to talk with a sales representative further and possibly see a demonstration of the product. Level two are the sales representative that go out and meet with the clients that are passed on from the first level. For the most part, these are all customers with a high need and interest in the product. This level’s goal is to make sure the client can benefit from the product line that is offered and after this they are tasked with closing the sale with the client and then the client is passed on to a level three representative. Level three representatives are account managers, and their main goal is to keep the client happy and help them with any problems they may be having with the product. This level is also tasked with upselling the client when it seems like a good fit. This means selling additional features and products to the existing customer when they have a need for such things. I found this structure to be very interesting and saw it to be like an assembly line. Each sales rep has one job and can give their full time and effort to one task. This system also very early on allows the company to differentiate between realistic customers and those who are not a good fit early in the process and saves time. Overall, I think this sales structure is very productive.

3 thoughts on “Structure of a Sales Team”
  1. Wow, I really like this idea! I’ve heard of sales teams for so long, but hadn’t truly considered what they do. I always thought that a sales team is just in charge of advertising, customer relations, and getting the word out about a company, but I like how you described each level of a sales team and what they do. Good post!

  2. I think that this is a good idea for sure, the only thing that confuses me is the commissions that people get on the sale, or if there even is a commission. That seems like there would be some issues if the commission had to be split between three parties or if it was not split, that seems like it might cause turmoil between the three parties.

  3. Hey there, first off congratulations on the new sales internship that is awesome. I think you have a great idea. My only question then is how are the sales employees paid? is the pay then hourly base rather than commission base and how would that work? otherwise great job.

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