When I originally signed up for this class, I thought the focus would be on numbers and calculating how many sales you would need to make in order to break even in a startup (I was a freshman, okay?). So, I was pleasantly surprised when I learned there would be no math involved in this class. It was great to learn about how to actually make a sale.

One of the things that surprised me the most about this class (other than the lack of math) was how relational selling is. You truly have to spend time getting to know the person you are selling to in order to be successful. Sales is not an emotionless transaction and takes more time than I originally thought. It was great to have these misconceptions challenged during the course of the class.

I am excited to see how I will use the concepts I learned in this class going forward. While I never anticipated wanting to go into a traditional sales role, I now see that selling will most likely be a part of my job no matter my official role/title. The techniques I learned will be applicable no matter where I end up, which is very reassuring.

4 thoughts on “Summary of Sales in the Startup”
  1. I agree! I was happy that there was no math involved. It was really cool to learn about how you actually interact with people and how sales is not about manipulating people but it is about getting to know them. I am also excited to try out these techniques in the real world.

  2. Haha! Thank goodness there was no math in this class. It is true, Professor Sweet definitely focuses on how extremely relational selling is. Without a relationship, selling is very difficult. It is cool to understand how to engage in redemptive sales and building relationships

  3. Completely agree! This class has been a fantastic opportunity for us to hone in our sales skills that we will continue to use for the rest of our lives.

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