I had shoulder surgery over Easter break on my right shoulder. I had never realized all the options we have in surgeons and procedures. I went to 4 different surgeons and received 4 different recommendations for treatments. It was up to me to decide who I would decide to use. The criteria for this “purchase” was not all that different than many other basic purchases.

  1. Who or what did I trust the most?
  2. What seemed to be the most effective solution?
  3. How long would the solution last?
  4. What are my options?

Luckily, I found a doctor and treatment I believed in, but I have been thinking what if I went to into every purchase and sale with this mentality? How effective and efficient would those interactions become?

One thought on “Surgeons Sell Too”
  1. This is a very interesting way to think about our decisions when buying and selling! The doctors actually have to sell themselves so that patients trust them. It just goes to show that selling is human!

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