Recently on the internet, there has been some conflict going on between two very close friends. Tati Westbrook and James Charles were super close friends and business partners, until James decided to release his own type of product. Tati had her own gummy vitamin line, and it was doing fairly well. In the past few weeks, James had released his own vitamin line that was essentially going against Tati’s product line. This caused the two friends to drift apart, and the whole internet knows about it. This may seem like some “beef” between two friends, but Tati figured out how to make it into MILLIONS of dollars. After James had released his vitamin line, Tati combated her friend James by releasing a YouTube video talking about how bad of a friend he was and how she basically viewed him as a traitor. Here is how Tati had flipped the whole situation into a profit for herself: she basically twisted the whole situation, made James sound like an awful human, and created EMPATHY for herself. People felt extremely bad for Tati, and what better way to support her than to go out and buy her product? Tati’s vitamins costs $40, and she got to advertise them even more in her video about talking down to James. When she did this, many people unsubscribed from James’ YouTube channel and joined Tati’s side. The video that was released obtained nearly 50 million views in a short period of time. If Tati had convinced nearly 1% (a very normal conversion rate, which is about 500,000 customers in this case) of those viewers to buy her product at $40 a pop, it averages out to over $19 million. I agree, this is not the best way to go about this situation, but Tati clearly knew what she was doing to James as well as collecting an insane amount of profit. This could have been handled in a much better, moral way, but people will do a lot of crazy things to make money. Hopefully the situation will be resolved soon so that everything can go back to being somewhat normal. This is an example of how somebody can take conflict between two friends and turn it into a huge sum of money.

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