In the context of sales, using storytelling as a tool is a highly effective means of increasing conversion and ultimately raise profits. Stories appeal to all types of people, from all backgrounds and walks of life. Telling a story engages the audience and gives them a glimpse into an interesting experience that may have happened in your life. Perhaps the most powerful component of storytelling is the fact that it creates an opportunity for the audience to relate to the speaker in a very personal sense. This sense of relating to somebody else can be the beginning of a meaningful friendship, which is a great type of reaction to occur in a sales setting.

Now that it has become apparent how important it is to engage with prospective clients as a salesman, you might be wondering how to tell a compelling story that would intrigue the client. The simple answer to this idea is that you can only know what to say after learning more about the customer and truly trying to build sincere repour with them. There is no elaborate, canned story that a salesman should employ every time in hopes of eliciting genuine response. Getting to know the target audience on a one to one level will yield far more pertinent information and make the conversation more enjoyable in general. True connection is something that everybody wants, so being able to give that to a potential client in a meaningful setting is a sure-fire way to gain their attention. At the end of the day, accomplishing this task through storytelling should prove to be a fruitful strategy for nearly anybody involved in sales. The key is simply to make sure that the interaction is in fact sincere and the customer will be able to see and appreciate that.

One thought on “Telling Stories”
  1. This is along the lines of what Coach Didonato was talking to us about at the beginning of the semester. Stories are the most powerful tool in conveying ideas and thoughts.

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