Some of the best takeaways I saw from the final presentations were smooth conversations, going for no, mimicry, and empathy.

Every single good sales conversation had in the front of the class was clearly marked by how smoothly and naturally they flowed and it didn’t even feel like there was something being sold! This is how you know you are doing a sale right and so many students did that so well!

Going for no was rare, but used very well in some of the presentations! Sometimes no is the best answer for both parties and having the boldness to say it is awesome!

Mimicry was by far the most common theme in every conversation, whether that be the student mimicking the TAs or sometimes vice versa. Every time someone was mimicked, it was a lot easier to follow the conversation and match the pace of it!

Empathy is one of the most powerful things to have in a sale and when it was used well and genuinely it made me want to buy whatever was being sold, even though a lot of the things were made up!

The sales conversations in this class had so many amazing takeaways and I hope to apply them to my job as much as I can in the future!

One thought on “Terrific talking takeaways”
  1. Great post josh! I really like your takeaways and would have to agree that these were super helpful to not only practice but also watch. I was a little taken aback by the differences in how its all role play but in the end they were great

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