The 70/30 Rule of Time - Thom Quinn

In sales it is always important to remember the 70/30 rule. As a salesperson, it should not be your goal to talk about your product. Instead, it should be your goal to learn as much as possible about your potential client. Sometimes this can be difficult to do.

Potential customers are always interested in learning as much as they possibly can about a product before they purchase it. Because of this goal, they feel the need to ask tons of questions of the salesperson. However, in order for the salesperson to best serve their potential customer, they must get to the root of their customer’s pain. This is not possible without asking questions and getting to to the client.

The 70/30 rule says that the salesperson should only be talking for about 30% of the conversation while leaving the other 70% to the customer. The 30% of the conversation that the salesperson does dominate should be used to ask important and digging questions so that they can stay in control of the conversation. While it can be tempting to dominate a conversation by talking a lot about your product, as a salesperson, you must remember the 70/30 rule.

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