The ABCs of Sales: Attunement, Buoyancy, & Clarity | Shortform Books

This article is amazing but cut off. It gives excellent tips on Attunement and how to truly utilize the ABC model. The website explains why the old Always Be Closing ABC model just was not getting the job done in today’s society.

The 3 tips to Attunement that the website dives into is Mimicking, Perspective-Taking, Power Shifting.

Mimicking builds trust with other humans and copies and mirrors their mannerisms in a way that helps to bridge the physical gap by mimicry and expression of physical gesture.

Perspective taking helps to put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and utilizes the imagination and seeing into someone else’s pains. This also helps you keep your perspective and focus on the client’s pains and needs.

Power Shift Helps to treat the buyer like they are the one’s in power not you. You as the seller are catering to the needs and desires of the customer. Be on an equal level and ask genuinely how you can help will put you in a position of an even playing field and set you up for success to sell your product or service.

One thought on “The ABCs of Sales: Attunement, Buoyancy, & Clarity”
  1. The article at the beginning was a thoughtful introduction and I appreciate how you dove into the different dimensions of Attunement, Buoyancy and Clarity. It is important to not just understand the words, but what they mean in a sales call. Great job putting it into practice!

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