That we as individuals need to have the ability to empathize with individuals. That often in relationships individuals tend to take the position of authority and power and use it ultimately to the disadvantage of bettering the relationship. When you come into the relationship or situation with the idea that you are telling and not listening, the individual being talked down to  will recognize that and not be engaged in the long run. If you come at a sales pitch from the idea of extreme authority on how to go about their business, it will allow for a lack of engagement from both parties to form. If the pitch to set a client does not involve numerous questions, comments, and concerns this is a clear red flag that the individual doing the pitch needs to approach the situation from a more vertically integrated approach. By utilizing a bottom-up leadership approach when selling allows for the possibility of a close to be possible.

4 thoughts on “The Ability to Close”
  1. Absolutely spot on! Your perspective on the importance of empathy in relationships, including sales, is crucial. Recognizing that authority can be a hindrance rather than an asset speaks volumes about your understanding of effective communication. It’s refreshing to hear someone stress the significance of listening and engaging rather than dictating. The idea of a bottom-up leadership approach in sales, involving questions and concerns, not only fosters a more collaborative environment but also establishes a genuine connection. Your insight highlights the value of mutual engagement and sets a positive tone for building meaningful relationships, which is essential in any aspect of life. Well said!

  2. You’re absolutely right! Empathy, effective listening, and asking questions are all crucial steps in effective communication in selling! Afterall, you would never want to buy something from a person you felt was untrustworthy or didn’t truly care about nor listen to your needs. I think it’s definitely worth taking the time to get to know your client/customer as a part of your sales process and funnel, as it will increase your chances of a better buyer/seller relationship and help you be more successful overall.

  3. This is awesome! Being able to have empathy is so important when in sales and in life in general. Being able to listen effectively and to ask questions are also important. Getting to know the person you are selling to is important as well, since you want to make them feel heard. Good job!

  4. I took Sales with Professor Kocur a few semesters ago. I appreciated that he taught us that while the close is one of the most important aspects of a sale, very little time should be spent on this step during the sales process, about only 10%. I also enjoyed learning various closing tactics. My favorite was presenting the buyer with a written agreement/ contract with a signature line, while saying something along the lines of, “I’m glad we can agree on terms x, y, and z. When is most convenient to accept delivery?”

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