Many studies have pointed to the fact that ambiverts are the best and most natural salespeople.  An ambivert is a term used to describe someone who finds a healthy balance between the qualities of an extravert and an introvert.  Ambiverts understand when to speak up and when to shut up.  Author Daniel Pink writes that, “Ambiverts are the best movers because they’re the most skilled attuners.”  That is to say: ambiverts have the easiest time handling a sales opportunity because they are the most capable of understanding and attuning themselves to their potential customers.  Ambiverts find the balance between inspecting and responding easily manageable.  Many times, extraverts will say too much while the introverts will say too little – the ambivert understands that either extreme may be a hindrance to a potential sale and finds a nice balance somewhere in the middle where the customer feels most comfortable.

2 thoughts on “The Ambivert Advantage”
  1. Cool Posts! I agree with you compeletly, I think many start out strongly an introvert or extrovert but as you grow up you learn how to interact through school, sports etc. that leads for a tendency to become an Ambivert. It seems as though, the better you adapt to change, the better salesperson you can become, which it seems that an Ambivert is really good at.

  2. From reading a few other blogs that talked about extrovert and introvert problems, I’ve been becoming more interested in the ambivert perspective. I find it very productive to have a balance between extrovert and introvert qualities. Having too much of one can be detrimental in the sales world. I enjoyed how you pointed out that ambiverts have a better time attuning to the situation at hand and overall are more effective. I would totally agree with that.

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