Never answer unasked question or spill you candy in the lobby. In other words don’t give them the best part of the sale

  1. Don’t share or overload people with all the information in sales
  2. Allow for procedural development. Unless your info is useful or answer their questions u r useless.

Be like mind if I ask you few question. Ask good question. Just keep prospecting

  1. Prospecting – actively searching for someone who values what have to offer and qualified potential buyers
  2. Cold calling is prospecting or networking which is a process of sorting and selecting. Sometimes may seem like kiss a ton of frogs and accepting 99.9% rejection. But if that’s what it take to succeed then do it.

Always remember these principles

Value Creation – Achieve superior results by making better decisions, eliminate waste, optimizing and innovating so people are better off as result of your work and that contribute to societal well-being by advancing the idea, values, policies, and practices of free societies. Respecting people’s freedom to do whatever as long as they are not harming others or taking their liberty away to do the same.

Principled Entrepreneurship – apply the judgement, responsibility, initiative, economic and critical thinking skills and sense of urgency necessary to generate the greatest contribution, consistent with the organization’s risk philosophy.

Costumer Focused – Discover, collaborate and partner with those who can most effectively advance the work your company is doing

Sales (effective sales) is basically networking and closing mutually beneficial transaction.


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