Sales, as we have learned, is a lot more complicated than the old way of thinking of sales, high pressure and ABC or Always be Closing is past a forgone method. It is much more complicated and in depth than I was originally thought to believe one of these major components is the Art of asking a question.

In sales, as coach D, taught us in his talk, you need to make sure that you do not pigeon hole yourself in a sales talk. Let them choose the topic, and that however, goes even before that to when you are asking the questions. For, example if someone asks what makes Grove good, it is good to ask a question back to find out why they are really asking that question. What are their values, what is important to them about a college that would make them want to go there.

The art of asking a question is important to help you avoid some of the common mistakes made in a sales talk, such as spilling your candy in the lobby. Sometimes people do not really care about what you are talking about so it is important to find out what interest them and then pursue the sale with a good background knowledge of the prospect.

By Mason

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