While often people are focused on all of the little tricks and strategies of sales, one of the more important things for a salesperson to be good at is simply attention to detail and remembering those details. Paying close attention to everything that a prospect says and remembering it for later in the conversation or future conversations, is crucial, because it shows that you care, you take interest, and genuinely trying to do everything you can to give them the best service possible. Whether it be specifically business related of just something about their kids or their life, all of it is super important. Many salespeople that don’t get sales initially can bring in the close later on because they remember and care to ask about things that the potential buyers would have no expectations of you remembering. The way to make sales, is by setting yourself apart from other salespeople, and one of the most influential ways to do this is simply by remembering and writing down these little things so that you can ask your customers about it later. The more you remember, write down, and genuinely ask about, the more you set yourself apart and increase your chances of taking home the sale.

So, yes, focus on the other sales strategies because they are crucial and very very useful — from getting them to say no, to constantly asking open-ended questions — but never forget to remember to pay attention to the details and always take genuine interest in all the of the parts of a prospects life, not just their professional one. Write down everything you remember about a conversation because you never know when or what might come up again in the future and you need to be ready for it. So be the sales person that pays attention to detail and always works to put the customer first always, making EVERYTHING they say the most important part for the conversation.

One thought on “The Attention to Details Salesman”
  1. Out of all the different types of salespeople, I am probably the least like the Attention to Details salesman. I’m a big picture thinker, I am not detail-oriented, and I would much rather focus on big things rather than small ones. However, this is why I need to be reminded of why details are important! For if I was left to my own devices, I would never do anything regarding details, and that can be what’s really important to making a sale.

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