
Image result for alibaba

As an entrepreneur, Alibaba is a dream! offers multiple routes to finding the right supplier for your business. It allows you, the buyer, to submit your manufacturing needs into their website and wait for companies to give you their best offers. Because all of the competition on the site, the prices can be incredible for a startup. Their website also has a powerful search engine that allows you to search out the raw materials that you are interested in and make the first contact with the supplier yourself. Alibaba offers users a trustworthy site to connect with suppliers around the world.

Below I will show you an example of how to use Alibaba:

example: Double ply toilet paper:


  1. Go to
  2. Type double ply toilet paper into the search engine
  3.  On the left hand side of the page you can enter specifications to narrow down potential suppliers.                                                                

4. Once you have decided on a supplier you can easily contact the supplier:





As you can see Alibaba is a user friendly website.


Don’t be afraid, try something new: Alibaba

2 thoughts on “The Beauty of Alibaba”
  1. I never knew you could do all that stuff on Alibaba. Cool stuff Ross! With me being interested in manufacturing, I will definitely have to look into this site some more.

  2. I remember a few years ago when their stock shot up, it was one of the hottest on the market!!!! Its a great concept and has done very well. Thanks for the article!

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