I sales, a lot of times we think of some sort of sales pitch and all kinds of different techniques. The prospect we are trying to reach also understands this. They are most likely listening for different techniques that we may use if they are an experienced negotiator. As salespeople, we must be able to allow our “pitch” to not even feel like a pitch to them. It should feel like a natural relational conversation that brings them on board with what we are trying to sell to them. When we try to overload them with techniques and try to talk their ear off, we most likely will not get the sale. Many experienced businesspeople will be able to pick up on certain things. We should try to be so relational and emphasize with them that they do not even think they are being pitched too.

As a shot-putter, this rule relates a lot to me. When throwing shotput, there is a lot of technique that is involved. Contrary to what many believe, it is not just about brute strength although strength does play a role. Shotput is all about using your hips. When you do not get your hips through, the throw becomes all upper body, and you can really fell that you put a lot of effort into it. When you are technically sound, use your hips and your upper body, you will feel like you didn’t put any effort into throwing the shot, but it is your furthest throw. I always tell new throwers that your best throws will feel effortless which is exactly what this rule is saying. In sales, our best pitch should feel effortless and not even feel like a sales pitch to the prospect.

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