To some, selling is a chore. Its a necessary evil; Something you can’t survive in the business world without. But to others, selling is everything. The best sales people don’t even realize they are selling, it just comes naturally to them.

To me, sales has always seemed like second nature. I feel like I’ve been doing it all my life. For as long as I can remember my dad has been a salesman, keeping up with a large client base and making weekly deliveries of packaging supplies. And when he was on the phone talking to any of his clients, it always sounded so natural to me. Maybe that’s why, at the young age of six, I set out from my house, bent on selling to anyone and everyone. I was in first grade and my elementary school had just explained to us the annual fundraiser. We would be selling everything from wrapping paper to delectable candies. To some of the other kids, it may have seemed like a chore, but to me it was time to bear down and sell. The first thing I did when I got home that day was prepare my sale kit, in this case my kindergarten bag filled with pens, order forms, and catalogs. I announced my intentions to go out and sell to my mother, who told me to be home in time for dinner. And thus a door to door salesman was born. I hit every house in my neighborhood that day and when the dust settled I had sold over six hundred dollars worth of products. And from that day forward I was always in a selling mood. Even today, you’ll find me attempting to sell people all of my crazy ideas, each and everyday. Its not a chore to me, it seems to just come naturally.

4 thoughts on “The Birth of a Salesman”
  1. Logan, great points on natural selling. I think that individuals today can tell when someone is just looking for a sale compared the salesman who is passionate about their product and know how it can have a positive affect on someone’s life. Keep selling my man!

  2. I would agree that it definitely comes naturally to people. It’s interesting to see who feels naturally drawn to sales and who does not. I would think some people who could be some of the best salespeople might not even try to get into any form of sales unfortunately.

  3. Wow that’s a cool story! If you can enjoy selling, that will make it seem so much more second nature. From there, it is just a vicious cycle.

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