The Myth of the Blockhead is something that we discussed in class. It is a commonly held idea that anyone can become a salesman and that it does not take a lot of skill. How this fleshes out in public opinion is that most people think of salesmen as underachievers that had to resort to a sales job because they didn’t have the skills of credential for anything better. Often people see this salesman as stupid and possibly even a bit of a bully. He has to be over the top pushy to make a sale. While this is not the case with many salesmen in many industries, this myth did not come from nowhere.

The Myth of the Blockhead is based on real blockheads in sales that almost everyone has encountered. Most often people think of a cars salesman, but they are in every industry. What are they doing wrong? Why are they actually blockheads?

A salesman who is a blockhead is someone who cannot make genuine connections with prospects and customers. He is too hyper focused on the information he already knows instead of seeking new information from the customer. He makes quick assumptions about the customer. He speaks to much and listens too little. He offers too many features and add-ons instead of the one thing the customer is actually looking for. These are things to avoid. Don’t be a blockhead.

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