As a saleman, a lot of focus goes toward the bottom line.  Moving your client and getting to the close is an important goal for any salesman.  That being said, there is something that every salesperson must have to work their way through the sales cycle and get to that bottom line.  It’s called “likeability”.

Think back to every last person you met throughout your years of school.  From preschool to graduation you made friends and selected the people you enjoyed being around.  These relationships are started from a single foundation which is likeability.  This is something that people can sense right off the start and will use to either continue building the relationship or break it off.  Likeability is not something you can magically have.  This is something that takes years to develope through communication with family and piers but is the foundation for relationship building.

Getting your foot in the door is the most important part of the sales process.  This is the step that needs the most chemistry in building trust.  It’s important to think about the key to building that intial trust with the client, which is likeability. Being likeable will assist you through the process and help you get to the bottom line.

One thought on “The Bottom Line is “Likeability””
  1. You made some great points there. I think subconsciously we many times will buy from the person we like more all other things aside. Figuring out being how to be “likeable” would definitely get you far in the sales world.

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