I recently read an article entitled “The Changing Role of the Modern Sales Team.” This article discusses how the digital age and new technology has dramatically increased the reach of salespeople and allowed salespeople to connect with prospects in many new ways. It also talks about how technology allow for people in sales to spend less time on “organizational tasks” and more time managing leads and following up with clients and prospects. Salespeople also don’t have to spend as much time going door to door or driving to their client’s offices and work spaces, since so much can now be done online. The article brings up the point that it makes a lot of sense that salespeople are connecting more and more online with their prospects and customers since this is where people are spending the majority of their time. This goes into the idea of “meeting people where they are at”, and if people are spending 9+ hours a day online, it it wise to utilize online platforms to connect with people.

I appreciate how this article talks really positive about the shifting trends in modern sales. It talks about all the possibilities that open up when you have more time and resources, and how that influences sales. While there are lots of benefits to face to face interaction and actually sitting down with your clients to discuss your product or service, I think utilizing online platforms can really advance someone’s sales experience. I often think of sales as a face to face interaction, when in fact, there are many different shapes sales can take. I think utilizing online resources it a great way to extend reach and meet people where there are.

2 thoughts on “The Changing Role of the Modern Sales Team”
  1. Technology is huge in sales today. In addition to the wider reach you mentioned in this post, technology, especially in the form of CRM software like Salesforce, is helping salespeople to work smarter, not harder. Salespeople can now spend more time connecting with qualified leads, sometimes online, and less time cold calling.

  2. This sounds like a very interesting article. We all know that the internet has become a huge part of daily life but often don’t realize how much it has changed things such as sales. We are living in a new age of sales where almost everyone in a business has a part in selling the company.

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