From my Sales class with Dr. Kocur last semester, I learned about sociability and dominance within people and how to approach them from a salesman’s perspective.

Having low dominance means you are more cooperative and let others control things. High dominance is associated with feeling the need to control everything and being aggressive. High sociability is associated with being an extrovert and seeking out interactions with others, while those with low sociability like to work alone and are more reserved.

There are four main communication styles  or social styles found today.

  1. Low sociability, low dominance
    1. Analytical.
      1. More focused on the facts
  2. Low soc, high dominance
    1. Driver 
      1. More demanding
  3. High soc, low dominance
    1. Amiable
      1. Loves to work with others, doesn’t mind others ruling
  4. High soc, high dominance
    1. Expressive
      1. Likes social interaction as long as they are in control

Understanding these 4 social models is huge in sales. Each of these types like to be sold to in a different way. Looking for and catering to each of these communication styles will definitely enable you to be a better salesperson.

One thought on “The communication/social styles model”
  1. This is such an interesting matrix. In addition to studying the different strategies for selling to these different personalities, I would be interested in knowing how these personality types alter one’s effectiveness as a salesperson. Like we discussed about Extroversion/Introversion, I think knowing one’s own location on the sociability/dominance matrix would be helpful in understanding one’s own strengths and weaknesses in sales.

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