I was thinking about this recently about how dating is like trying to sell yourself to another person (please don’t take that out of context). When selling in business, you figure out if a customer is a good fit for your company. You and your customer have to get to know each other and build trust in each other to find out if you both are worth investing your time and money in each other. Here are some tips for selling and how they are similar to dating and growing relationships.

Make the first move

It may feel awkward but it is something you have to accept and commit to even if you are uncomfortable. It is a matter of trial and error practicing your opening lines and conversation to see what does and doesn’t work with your style of selling. The more you do it, the more comfortable you will be.

Tell a story

Stories paint pictures in people’s minds, can emphasize a point effectively, and help you see things from another’s viewpoint. When we tell a story, those listening tend to start imagining the scenario we are explaining. Telling your client a story about how your product helped someone in a situation allows your client to imagine how it could benefit them someday. Make your story relevant to their priorities to help both of you “click” on your first date.

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