Amazon and Jeff Bezos have been known for their “empty chair” principle.

The concept of the empty chair is one of customer focus. This chair during meetings remains open, occupied by the customer as a reminder of one of the most important stakeholders in their decisions. In all of his ventures, Jeff Bezos carries this principle and it has served him well. It shows that focusing on your customers, seeking to provide value to “the most important person in the room” is the most effective way to create long-term business and reputation.

I challenge you to find ways to exit your own perspective and view things from your customer view.

By Cameron Suorsa

Entrepreneur, Student, and Intern.

One thought on “The Empty Chair”
  1. The empty chair is a really cool concept that I think is super helpful for companies in general. It is really easy to forget why your company exists: to serve a customer. It is easy to forget this fact this super important fact. Both salesmen, and businessmen in general, need to remember who they’re trying to help.

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