I think this is a really great video you can take a lot away from and really find hilarious:

I, personally, thought this was a really funny video that accurately portrays a major company’s checklist to include in a commercial that they are about to put out. Talking points and sound bites so you remember that they are a company is on the forefront of today’s social charge.

How often do you see things like this in a commercial? Just about every commercial has something in one way or another like this video was making fun of. How many causes does the average big company hope you know that they care about? This is really the foundation of the PC (politically correct) commercial and core values that every company thinks they need to include in their mission and marketing.

I truly think the core message and point of a commercial often gets shuffled around with talking points companies feel they have to make, like in this video. Differentiation, today, is getting lost in the shuffle. Most just shout: DID YOU SEE THAT? WE CARE! LOOK AT THAT EQUALITY! HERE IS A DIVERSIFIED WORKFORCE! It goes on and on and on.

The average person with a brain, when it comes down to it, knows the game the big companies play, and at the end of the day are going to support you only if they feel you have the best product. Every company today promotes a social mission and so on, but that doesn’t do much for them. What keeps a customer from going to their competitor that supports one as well? The product gets the customer in the door, and retains them for the long haul. This was really just a thought of mine on how companies are really making a mistake with their marketing today and turning to politically correct.

One thought on “The Generic Sale”
  1. Loved the video and the message! Great article! I completely agree with the point about companies throwing the political correctness in our faces!

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