The goal of a good salesperson is dependent on several key issues. Firstly the key to be able to find the pain someone has. A pain is something a potential customer has about some aspect of their life currently. They are unhappy with whatever it is and want to change that part of their life to make it better for them. If a sales person can find this they can use it to help consumer and make the sale.

The next key is to be able to know if the person is a good fir. If this person can get along and connect well. On top of that they need to have a pain that can be sold to otherwise the fit does not matter. For a fit to be good like Prof Sweet said it is like dating. They need to know and understand each other. They need to be able to trust each other. Similarly in dating you need to let the person get comfortable with you before the big question is asked. Wil you buy?

Finally the salesperson needs to know who they are selling to before hand they need to know who their client is. They need to understand their pains and what types of products or services they may be in the market for. This way they are not selling the wrong type of product to the the wrong type of buyer who has no need for that product or service.

With these keys in mind anyone can become a great salesmen to whoever they need to sell to.

One thought on “The Goal of a good salesperson”
  1. The part that I really liked about this post was the aspect of knowing your customer, I think that is the most valuable thing that you can learn how to do as a salesperson because if you don’t know your customer how will you solve their needs.

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