One of the most important skills to have when in sales is the skill of listening. Some people might think that this is a weird skill to be so important for a seller because they should be talking as they are giving you a rundown on why you should buy their product. I am here to say that this way of sales is of the past because people are sick and tired of being sold to by noisy salesmen who talk and talk and talk. A way to distinguish yourself from other salesman is by listening to their pain points and budgets so you can get a feel for the customer’s needs so you can talk about your product at the end and adapt your questions to their concerns.

Listening will also put you in charge of the conversation because they will be doing most of the talking. And when in charge of the conversation you can go wherever you want so the client seems like they are selling to you from all the talking and information they are giving you. It is also important to come up with good questions about why the client is talking to keep in control of the conversation. This is where active listening comes in because you need to listen to what they are saying and pinpointing a response when they are speaking and create a question that dives deeper into their pain point to be successful

This way of selling is way more effective than nonstop talking because it differentiates you from everyone else and in sales this is exactly what you want to be someone who is different.

By StullBW

3 thoughts on “Active Listening in Sales Conversations”
  1. Good job Brendan! Active listening is very important in sales conversations. Talking less is sometimes the best thing to do when engaged in sales talk. Good work!

  2. Brendan, this is riveting. It is so very important to be an active listener as opposed to a passive listener when in a sales conversation. Staying engaged and not just scaring the buyer or seller in the face and saying nothing is key. Good stuff!

  3. Listening goes such a long way in selling along with every aspect of life. If people feel heard and understood it makes sales relationships so much strong. Great Post Brendan!

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