Being ethical in selling is of great importance. It is because being just and truthful in your sales conversations makes for a better salesman than most. Salespeople today usually get a bad rap for being untruthful and only taking advantage of customers. That is why being ethical is so important, it breaks that stereotype of salespeople being “slimy.” It is important to make sure that you act ethically and truthful when talking to prospects because that can build good relationships with them. Having those good relationships can lead to making connections down the road, all because you were acting ethically. Having good morals is important too especially when facing a situation where lying could probably get you the sale. It is not always about closing the sale, it is about closing the sale but by doing it the right way. Also being truthful with your prospects might mean that they still start to trust you and once you have their trust, a strong bond can start to form. With trust your prospect might start to open up more and give you more of a chance and that all comes back to being ethical. Being ethical also means being transparent, and telling your customer how it is with full honesty. Even if it might hurt your chances of closing the sale being upfront and honest goes a long way and a prospect can come to respect that. On the flip side, being ethical might get you the sale, but in the long run, that can come back to hurt you, especially if you were lying about something in your pitch. In sales being ethical and transparent are two key components of building lasting relationships with your customers, along with being truthful to who you are. Sale or not, what matters the most is that you were ethical.

4 thoughts on “The importance of Ethics in selling – Blog Post #6”
  1. Hey Michael –
    I completely agree with your perspective on the importance of ethical sales practices. In addition, it’s worth noting that ethical selling not only fosters long-term relationships with customers but also enhances employee morale and satisfaction, contributing to a positive work culture within the sales team.
    Great post. Sounds like you know your stuff!

  2. Mike, I love the post! I totally agree, practicing good ethics skills is crucial to sales because sales is all about the relationship you have with people. If you’re good with people, then you’re good with sales! Good post.

  3. Two things that stuck out to me were the part where you talked about how non-ethical sales will never work long term. Building a clientele based on trust is important so that a salesperson can create sales channels. People will make sales with people they can trust also stuck out to me and that is only built when you do things ethically.

  4. I agree, building trust and doing things ethically is absolutely important and the right way to go. Honestly having a quota or your own personal agenda in mind in the sales process is very stifling to the actuality of helping people. Sales is the art of helping people and a lot of people miss the mark in ethicality. Trust is very hard to earn these days and only takes a second or a few words to lose. So to truly gain one’s trust is an honor these days.

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